Company Information
Unione Fiduciaria S.p.A. – Società Fiduciaria e di Servizi delle Banche Popolari Italiane
Share capital € 5,940,000 fully paid-up
Registered in the Milan Company Register held by the CCIAA – REA No. 529445 – Tax Identification Number and VAT number 01513210151
Authorization to carry out the activity of fiduciary company with Ministerial Decree of 6 April 1960.
Authorization under the provisions of the Bank of Italy dated 18 October 2016, registration in the specific section of the Register according to Article 106 of the TUB (Testo Unico Bancario – Consolidated Banking Act)
LEI code 815600AE3A7C4294E250
Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) B1FPTD.99999.SL.380